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International High school ESL teacher/No office hrs/ Nice tourist city

Education/Teaching | Full-time | Yichang | Posted by:chinaexpat8805     Jan 06 18:10      share
Email:3451295958​    Tel:15727011385     Working City:Yichang   Hits:

Job Description

-Workload: Mon to Fri/24lessons per week/no office hrs/weekend off

         Class size: 15

-Location: Yichang city, Hubei province

-Type of work: Full time.

-Type of institute: International High school

-Position: English Teacher

-Students age: 16-18



Remuneration & Benefits:

-RMB 20,000 B/T salary

-Free housing and meals

-50% paid winter and summer vacation

-RMB 10,000 flight allowance for contract fulfillment

-Work visa



-Bachelor or above degree.

-Native English Speaker ONLY

-2 years related teaching experience or TEFL/TESOL

A reward of 3000 RMB will be offered for successful referrals !

Offer a person for the position

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Report Abuse     Jobs Offered ID: 20688

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